

Training and development on Money making initiatives are educational activities within an organization that are designed to improve the job performance of an individual or group

Investing Basics

What is the basis for investment? As mentioned many times on this website and in many other articles, if you want to build a real long-term wealth, you must start investing, because saving in a traditional sense will not do it. Generally, investment means taking risks and investing in the stock market. This can mean

By |2022-06-01T11:46:58+00:00June 1st, 2022|Training|Comments Off on Investing Basics

Saving Money

Saving money can be divided into two distinct areas of activity. The first activity is simply not to spend the money at all and have an excess of cash left each month that accumulates over time. This activity requires careful budgeting and discipline. You need to avoid all the usual demands and temptations on your

By |2022-06-01T10:35:01+00:00June 1st, 2022|Training|Comments Off on Saving Money

What is Money

The Oxford English dictionary describes money as “A current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes.” But what exactly means this, and how is its development? How do we switch from exchanging livestock with goods, to be able to exchange money "invisible", such as electronic and virtual money, for goods and services today? We

By |2022-06-01T10:11:54+00:00June 1st, 2022|Training|Comments Off on What is Money

Top 25 Highest Paying Jobs with NO College Degree

“You have to attend college to get a good job.” That was a phrase that my father continually beat into my head harder than Lars Ulrich could pound on his bass drum (in case there is a generation gap, Lars is the drummer from the rock band Metallica). Even though on average college graduates do

By |2019-07-11T21:15:42+00:00July 11th, 2019|Make Money, Training|Comments Off on Top 25 Highest Paying Jobs with NO College Degree

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